Dalian Kexiang Technology Development Co. Ltd.

Fine-controlled in vitro percutaneous system

Fine-controlled in vitro percutaneous system KX-V/HDP

1, Temperaturecontrollable (30~50±0.2°C);

2. Controllablespeed (300~1200±5% RPM);

3. Adjustable testmode (KX-10VPC / horizontal KX-5HPC conversion);

4. In line withthe FDA published local preparation BE replacement technical requirements for in vitro test and methodologicalresearch;

5. According totemperature and receptor solution’s viscosity, determine the speed, the datacan be obtained accurately reflect the skin's transdermal absorption of thedrug;

6, The experimental data obtained by the system,parameters of the drug percutaneous penetration kinetics can be analyzedthrough the TRANSDERMAL-CAD.

The Precision Controled Laboratory Coating Machine

The precision controledlaboratory coating machine KX-FC-19HP

1 It is suitable forhigh-viscosity micro-test materials with 50~300ml coating at one time;

2、The coating area is uniform in thickness, and the coating thicknesserror is ~±5μm;

3、The thickness of Knife gap is precision controlled;

4Usingpatented coating technology, pressure-sensitive adhesive and other coatings tomake sure the pressure of the 2 parts remain the same;

5、Using screw and dual motor drive technology to ensure constant coatingspeed;

6、Using The grating ruler feedback technology to control the thicknessof the coating gap precisely electrically, at the same time make sure the error< ±5μm.


In vitro percutaneous permeation data analysis and TTS optimization systemTRANSDERMAL-CAD

1Obtaining percutaneous permeation kinetic parameters (such as skinsurface concentration; stratum corneum diffusion rate; stratum corneum orepidermal partition coefficient; epidermal diffusion coefficient, etc.), whichguides prescription and process optimization efficiently;

2Analyzing the reason for percutaneous absorption of drugs(Infiltration, Binding, and Metabolism, etc.);

3Optimizing the design of pharmaceutics (drug concentration, preparationarea and thickness, etc.);

4Compareing similarities and differences between pharmaceuticals andRLDwhich can provide comprehensivedetailed datafor BE research in vitro;

5Analyzing and predicting the changes of drug concentration in thestratum corneum andepidermis;

6Analyzing and predicting the changes of time-drug concentration inblood.have toprovide pharmacokinetic parameters).

邮箱:  daliankx@vip.163.com